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Showing posts from October, 2015

What piano should I buy? - Yamaha Arius YDP142 vs YDP162 comparison

When it comes to electronics it's quite amazing how much you can get for your money these days. The Yamaha Arius range of digital pianos are a good example of this, two very good quality digital pianos that also keep a traditional look, both under £1000! Many of our students here in our store have bought these as their first pianos and have progressed very well. Chris compares two side-by-side in this video; Remember, if you have any questions you can email us at or just call on 01295 266788. Bye-bye, more coming soon!

So what comes in the box?

A question that we are asked all the time! - Now in our portable piano section you will now see clearly exactly what comes in the boxes. Yamaha P115 and boxed contents Remember you can also view Chris's unboxing videos like this one below; You can also clearly see what is available in our special bundle offers like this; Yamaha P45 bundle offer We want to make things as clear as possible for you, I hope this helps!

Showcasing the new Yamaha CVP700 series and S series keyboards.

We are holding a full day of demonstrations on the new Yamaha CVP700 series pianos and the S series keyboards. One of the UK's finest demonstrators, Ian House, has just kicked off and later on two of Europe's best demonstrators, Peter Baartmans and Susan Albers, will be performing a full concert. These instruments are at the cutting edge of technology and to see them out through their paces by professional musicians is pretty amazing!